Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The New Bulliten Board

So I have this big Bulliten board in our dinning room and in the past months it has just become a catchal for drawings and other random thing that the boys had decided to put up there. I have decided to reclaim it and have it help me with my "Structured time, Not content." Now granted it will seem like structured content but it is all based on things that my children have shown a spark in or I would like to introduce them to to see if it will create a Spark.

What is a spark? It is a glimmer of interest in a an area that my children have shown an interest in. For instance, my kids LOVE outer space. We have a telescope, tons of books on space, a glow in the dark solar system and stars in their room and even a clock that projects some real life images in space. My 7 year old has been into space for about 3-4 years and we have even made up our own song to learn the order of the planets to include everyones favorite pluto. My 3 year old has know this song for almost a year already. With that said, It is my job to take these Sparks and expand upon them. There are many ways for me to do this. The bulliten board is just one more way for me to enforce and remind myself what they are interested in.

So here is my newley organized Bulliten board. My kids love it when things look new and frankly so do I. It is devided into 5 sections. This keeps it organized and prevents me from craming to much in one subject area. I just used ribbon and thumb tacks to divide up the board.

My 5 sections are
Family Jobs & Employment Thursday
Stock Market Monday
Crazy Tuesday
Liturature Wednesday
A place for the boys to display recent projects

Right now I will go over the Family Job section.

Here is the Family Jobs Section

In each of the small boxes the e names of the family members are listed in one of the colored boxes (Daddy, Mommy, Milton, Quentin)

Then I made lots of little cards to represent jobs that need to be done Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
These are the extra jobs each family member must do on top of every day tasks.

Boys must every morning
Go potty, Make bed, say prayers, get dressed, Pledge of alliegnece and eat breakfast, clear their dishes & brush their teeth.
Milton also washes the breakfast dishes every morning and Quentin puts away the silverwear.
These jobs are listed on a simple chart in their room and kitchen

Once all of this is done then they do their extra jobs and these change every day. They are all tasks that they are learning to master and maybe one new job to learn. Today Milton learned how to clean floor boards.

Their evening jobs are extra jobs to help keep the house clean before bed. We are still working on getting this down (to include my husband). After dinner we are all to clear our dishes. Then we do our evening job before doing any last minute picking up and getting ready for bed and book reading. We have a ticket reward system for completing ones jobs. I will explain this in another post.

In my job area I also included a picture of a well set plate setting for the boys to observe.

How to keep your jobs organized

I use a 3X5 card holder froma system I was using before. It has
12 Month dividers
31 Day dividers
My little  job cards.( I wrote a letter in the bottom right corner of the jobs indicating if it is to be done daily, weeky, monthly, bi-weekly or by-monthy. You could also do seasonal.)

1.So using a calender decide which days you wont your weekly things done (mon, tues, wed...)
2.Place these job cards in the day to be done. Once you reach that day and the jobs are done put them in the following weeks place and they are ready for you when that day comes.
3.As days pass move days number to the next month

As your system becomes complete you need but pull down the days cards, move them to their next day and pull out the next days and assign them to a family member.

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